

ConnectMyHealth is a healthcare portal that allows users to view and manage their healthcare information all in one place.

As the sole UX Designer, I led the end-to-end conceptualization, design, iteration, and research to redesign and streamline the application experience, and I also drove stakeholder alignment by educating key stakeholders about the value of UX Design and Research.

Through user research, I identified key pain points within the existing experience in areas such as app navigation and test results. I incorporated study findings to iterate on wireframes and ultimately create a polished, high-fidelity solution that consolidates crucial healthcare information, reduces frustration via a seamless onboarding experience, and empowers over 4+ million individuals in Southwestern Ontario, Canada to make holistic decisions about their health through streamlining key flows such as test results, login/onboarding, allergies, and trending results.


The existing desktop and mobile applications were complicated and confusing for the average patient and caretaker, while the mobile app was clunky and used outdated patterns.


As a team, we decided that it was of utmost importance that we created a seamless healthcare mobile app experience that enables and empowers users to make informed decisions and actions about their health all in one place. To start, I performed a competitive analysis and performed a heuristic analysis of our existing experience (below). Although it was clear to me from my initial browse that the experience was extremely hefty, I made sure to gather user feedback through research. However, not all stakeholders were aligned with doing a usability test — they instead insisted on focus groups to align with their governance policies and what they thought to be “user research.”

After educating and aligning my team on the value and importance of user research, I conducted a baseline usability study on the existing application’s experience, and distilled actionable next steps to my team. The study focused on the navigability and user experience in 4 key areas:

a) Login/Onboarding, b) Allergies, c) Test Results, and d) Trending Results.

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From the feedback of 9 participants, I distilled actionable insights via an affinity map and synthesized the insights into actionable themes and priorities — i.e. enhance user navigation, provide greater customizability, consolidate menus, and improve the UI to be more visual, simple, and intuitive.

From these findings, I created and iterated upon wireframes, mid-fidelity, and high-fidelity prototypes to deliver a streamlined healthcare experience.